Refocusing on goals blogging201 assign. #1

As I start in on blogging201, the task at hand about writing 3 goals down, is an opportunity for me to think again on the purpose of this blog. Since I already did this at the start of 101, it is revisiting the idea but in a way this should be more focused since I am not brand new to blogging.

The major definite purpose of the blog is to assist in getting my book out. In case you are curious, the book’s central question is: “Are we more free because of technology (in particular internet and mobile technology) or more constrained in our personal freedom by virtue of this technology?”

The three major goals stemming from this purpose are:

  1. To post an excerpt from the book every other day using of course appropriate tags like #author to get out in the right community.
  2. Follow at least one other aspiring or published author every day and of course post a comment before hitting the follow button. I learned in 101 not to passively click follow but use the opportunity to give feedback.
  3. The third goal is to get at least a new follower a day which actually should be doable IF the other two goals are met. You get what you put out here, as in life in general. But, I expect to pick up a few new followers through the class itself. Some days,I may give myself a break from the author/book focus and get followers from blogs under other tags of interest.

Notice how I set daily or every other day goals. Yes,I want to live up to my name daily writer but also find longer term goals more cumbersome.
Ok 201’ers let me know what you think and interact with my blog as you see fit.

12 thoughts on “Refocusing on goals blogging201 assign. #1

  1. Hello! I am an aspiring writer at the moment and write flash fictions once in a while on my blog. Will look forward to reading more from your blog.
    FYI, your bullet list is split incorrectly.


    1. Thanks. I am finding this tough to do on a phone but I fixed it. Wondering more what flash fiction
      is. There’s a meetup group locally called wordsmithy where you show up and write for an hour on a prompt given at the start. Maybe something like that?

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    1. Hey thanks for following me. I followed you in preview mode but not sure if it really followed you. Will have to check. Yes 3 does follow from 2. Up to 28 followers but trying to go for writing community of which you are a part. I guess we are all writers of course! Btw…I am meeting my goals this week so far though not done assignment 2 yet.

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